Bull & Embryo Guarantees
E W A “No Nonsense” 4Year Guarantee
All E W A bulls will be guaranteed for 4 years for reproductive and structural soundness. The guarantee is applicable to bulls which prove to be infertile or have structural soundness problems. Examples of what the guarantee covers is…feet, hocks, and semen quality. Examples of what it doesn’t cover is…sickness and accidents. This guarantee only applies to the original purchaser. It shall not apply to any bull which has not been maintained by the original purchaser at all times. The 4-year bull guarantee value is based on the invoice/payment value after all discounts and/or credits have been applied. Claims shall be resolved as follows: the invoice/payment value for the bull less salvage value shall be credited to the purchaser to be used for the purchase of genetics from E W A. The credited purchase price decreases at a prorated value per year. The original purchaser must contact E W A within 14 days of discovery of the reason for the claim and shall have a licensed veterinarian’s verification. E W A retains the right to use agent of their choice for all verifications.
E W A Embryo Guarantee
The embryo guarantee value is based on the invoice/payment value after all discounts and/or credits have been applied. If implanted by a certified embryologist, a conception rate of 50% on conventional non-biopsied embryos for quantities of 4 or more and 40% on IVF and biopsied embryos for quantities of 5 or more is guaranteed. If the guaranteed conception rate is not realized, then a credit for the value of the pregnancy or mutually agreeable replacement embryos will be provided. For example, if you implant 4 conventional non-biopsied embryos that result in 1 pregnancy then a credit for 1 pregnancy (two times the value of per embryo purchased) or 2 mutually agreeable replacement embryos will be provided. If you implant 5 IVF or biopsied embryos that result in 1 pregnancy, then a credit will be provided for 1 pregnancy (two and a half times the value of per embryo purchased) to be used towards the purchase of available embryos, if desired.
Pete & Peter Henderson - Edgewood Angus
400 Angus Lane, Williamsburg, VA 23188 (Mailing)
28225 King William Highway, West Point, VA 23181 (farm)
Pete: (757) 880-7274 - pete@hendersoninc.com
Peter: (757) 298-6300 - peter@hendersoninc.com
Doug: (804) 332-1456 - wdouglasharris@verizon.net
FAX: (757) 564-9120